
Officina Dimore comes to life: the SCIC division with the mission of designing the house you want, down to the last detail, through unique and elegant choices, immovable to the passing of trends and time, where classicism, technological innovation and contemporary dynamism coexist.

With Officina Dimore we want to turn the art of listening into matter and dreams into projects, through a tailored made journey, planned with our professionals.

So that every space is more and more the direct extension of our existence, the mirror of what we are, the reflection of what we love.

La semplicità è l’estrema sofisticazione

Leonardo Da Vinci

from 1948



The art of listening

For Officine Dimora listening is a fundamental starting point to conceive a project. Through this first step, in fact, the customer’s wishes will be analyzed, professionals will be reading between the lines and will deeply interpret functional and stylistic needs. Here is where the transformation starts.

Analysis of needs

Closely related to listening, this step allows for a technical rework of the customer’s needs and wishes by our professionals, after having accurately and thoroughly analyzed the project idea.

The design

It’s during this step that the creation of the project – technically and structurally – takes place.

The materials

Supported by our professionals, the customer will be able to discover and test the best materials, through a real material library, made available for a total multi-sensorial immersion into the creative process.

Project Management

This step consists of a 360° monitoring activity by our professionals, starting with the control of the budget, timing and planning of the entire project.


Thanks to the production structure of the made in Italy leader SCIC, Officina Dimore creates and produces its projects in house, without going through suppliers and third parties. This allows, in addition to extreme quality monitoring, an extreme budget and timing optimisation.


For Officina Dimore, each project is a journey and it has to be shared with the customer. After working side by side for a long time, the moment of delivery is the greatest satisfaction for us knowing that together we have created something unique.